Data PrivacyMastering Compliance: Essential Contract Provisions for Employees under India’s Digital Personal Data Protection Act (DPDPA)

September 10, 20240

In the era of stringent data protection laws, India’s Digital Personal Data Protection Act, 2023 (“DPDPA”) mandates organizations to implement robust contractual provisions to ensure the protection of personal data, including that of employees.

Employment contracts and related policies must now reflect compliance with DPDPA’s privacy principles and establish clear guidelines on the collection, processing, storage, and sharing of employee data.

Here are the essential contract provisions that organizations should consider including in employee contracts under DPDPA:

1. Clarity on Purpose and Lawful Processing of Data

Under DPDPA, organizations must ensure that any personal data collected from employees is processed only for specific, lawful purposes. Employment contracts should explicitly state:

  • The purpose of data collection, including HR management, payroll, performance monitoring, etc.
  • The legal basis for processing, which may include employee consent or the necessity of processing for the performance of employment obligations.

2. Data Minimization and Accuracy

Employment contracts should emphasize the principle of data minimization, meaning that only the personal data necessary for employment purposes will be collected. The provisions should also reflect a commitment to maintaining the accuracy of data:

  • The organization will collect only the minimum required data from employees.
  • Employees are responsible for ensuring their personal data remains up-to-date and accurate.

3. Consent for Processing Sensitive Personal Data

The DPDPA requires explicit consent from employees for the processing of sensitive personal data such as health information, biometric data, or financial information. Employment contracts should:

  • Clearly define what constitutes sensitive personal data.
  • Explain how this data will be used, and include a separate clause to seek explicit consent from employees.

Businesses should start incorporating clauses, in their contracts, towards the readiness for the data privacy regime which is near then ever for being implemented in India.

4. Rights of Employees (Data Principals)

Employees, as data principals, have certain rights under the DPDPA, including:

  • Right to Access: Employees can request access to their personal data held by the employer.
  • Right to Correction and Erasure: Employees can request corrections or deletions of inaccurate or outdated data.
  • Right to Data Portability: Employees may request their data in a machine-readable format when switching jobs or for other purposes.

The contract should include a provision outlining how employees can exercise these rights.

5. Data Retention and Deletion Policies

DPDPA mandates that personal data should not be stored longer than necessary. Employment contracts must specify the data retention policy and clarify the process for data deletion post-employment:

  • The company will only retain personal data for the duration required to fulfill employment or legal obligations.
  • After termination, personal data will be securely deleted, unless required for legal or regulatory purposes.

It’s not about mere drafting a Contract alone, but what ought to be there and in what manner it has to be incorporated categorically with a specific clarity which matters the most when it comes to complying with DPDPA.

6. Data Security and Confidentiality

The organization is required to implement technical and organizational measures to protect employee data from unauthorized access, breaches, or misuse. Contracts should include:

  • A commitment to safeguarding personal data through encryption, access controls, and other security measures.
  • Confidentiality obligations for employees who handle or have access to personal data, ensuring that they do not disclose it improperly.

7. Data Sharing with Third Parties

Organizations often share employee data with third parties such as payroll processors, benefits providers, or government authorities. The contract should:

  • Clarify with whom the data will be shared.
  • Ensure that any third-party processors are bound by data protection obligations under the DPDPA.
  • Obtain consent for such data sharing, especially if the data is being transferred outside India.

8. Cross-Border Data Transfers

DPDPA places restrictions on cross-border transfers of personal data. Contracts must clarify whether and under what conditions employee data will be transferred outside India:

  • Clearly mention if data will be processed or stored in foreign jurisdictions.
  • Obtain explicit consent for cross-border data transfers, particularly when the country lacks adequate data protection safeguards.

9. Employee Responsibilities and Data Protection Training

Employees also play a role in ensuring compliance with DPDPA. The contract should outline the employee’s responsibilities regarding:

  • Protecting the personal data of clients, customers, and other employees.
  • Following internal policies on data privacy and security.
  • Participating in mandatory data protection training provided by the employer.

10. Consequences of Non-Compliance

Non-compliance with data protection obligations under the DPDPA can result in penalties, both for the organization and the individual. The employment contract should explicitly mention the consequences of violating the company’s data protection policies:

  • Disciplinary actions, including termination, for failing to follow data privacy rules.
  • Legal repercussions under the DPDPA for violations that result in data breaches or unauthorized disclosures.

11. Contact Information for Data Protection Queries

The contract should provide employees with a point of contact for data protection-related queries or concerns, such as the organization’s Data Protection Officer (“DPO”)or a designated privacy official or Consent manager, whichever is applicable.

Employees should be informed of how to report data breaches or lodge complaints regarding their data processing.


Ensuring that employment contracts comply with India’s Digital Personal Data Protection Act, 2023is critical for safeguarding employee data and meeting legal obligations.

By incorporating categorical and expressed provisions on data processing, employee rights, security, and consent, organizations can foster a culture of compliance and protect both themselves and their workforce from potential data privacy risks.


To know more or discuss on the Mastering Compliance: Essential Contract Provisions for Employees under India’s Digital Personal Data Protection Act (DPDPA), connect with or



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