What Makes A Professional ?
We all know that Usain Bolt has won 9 gold medals in last 3 Olympics. To win 9 gold medals, he has run less than 2 minutes on the track. That’s an economy of effort.

In other words, Usain Bolt ran for less than 115 seconds in total in his 3 Olympics. But, for merely 115 seconds he made $119 million dollars.
This amount comes to more than $1 million for each second he ran.
But, for those 2 minutes (115 seconds), he trained himself for 20+ years!
That’s an investment !
Same applies for Lawyers also. Client think that Lawyer give advice by just examining the case for few minute. But, it took the Lawyer his “entire youth” (15+ years) to learn how to examine the case to give right legal advise to save the client from issues.
This reminds me to share the quote of Abraham Lincoln
A lawyer’s time and advice are his stock in trade
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