FinTechRBI Recognizes Fintech Association for Consumer Empowerment as SRO: A New Era for Fintech Regulation

September 6, 20240


The fintech sector in India has experienced swift and transformative progress, fundamentally altering financial services via groundbreaking digital innovations. This rapid growth has brought forward a series of regulatory challenges that must be tackled to promote sustainable development. Recognizing the necessity for robust regulatory regimes, a defining step was taken, whereby the Fintech Association for Consumer Empowerment (“FACE”) was officially recognized as a Self-Regulatory Organization (“SRO”) by the Reserve Bank of India in the Press Release: 2024-2025/989 . The Circular was released on the RBI on 28th August 2024.

This  is an important step in the forward direction toward better compliance with regulation and enhancement of consumer protection in the fintech industry. In this direction, the grant of SRO status to FACE by the RBI will help in a collaborative framework to bridge the gap between regulatory oversight and the dynamism of fintech innovations. This should provide an opportunity to strike a balance between the growth of fintech companies with high ethical standards and regulatory requirements for consumer security in a more transparent financial environment.


An SRO is an organization that governs through the establishment and policing of standards of conduct within an industry by its members. Whereas regulatory bodies are government-backed, SROs independently regulate under the oversight of a formal regulatory body like RBI. The primary function of an SRO is to establish and maintain standards of conduct, monitor their compliance, and address problems arising in its industry.

Within the broader context of fintech, SROs will be pivotal in ensuring that companies remain within the letter of the law, in ensuring as much transparency as possible, and in the protection of consumer rights. SRO bridges the gap in regulation between innovation and formal regulation. It enables fintech to develop and adjust but may reduce potential risks at the same time. They put forward a structure of self-regulation that supplements traditional forms of regulation with more flexible and relevant oversight for the sector. The current approach will ensure these innovations are efficiently and responsibly developed and deployed for a healthier ecosystem.


Fintech Association for Consumer Empowerment (hereinafter referred to as “FACE”) has positioned itself in record time as one of the most active promoters of best practices in financial technology. The organization strives for responsible habits in finance, which means ethical online lending and open, transparent digital financial services that also promote consumer protection.

Recognition as a self-regulatory organization marks a turning point for the fintech industry because, for the first time, FACE is allowed to establish norms and standards for its members. The organization shall observe and follow through on regulatory requirements, commit to the best practice, and innovate while protecting consumer rights. FACE shall be charged with the responsibility of creating and implementing industrywide practices, routine audits, and follow-through on cases of noncompliance.

This responsibility ensures that fintech firms fall within the ambit of regulation that harnesses innovation with moral accountability. Promotion of responsible approaches and carrying out a structured framework for self-regulation are what FACE seeks to do in creating a more robust and dependable Indian FinTech ecosystem.


Granting SRO status to FACE is a strategic call by the RBI aimed at appropriately balancing regulatory oversight with the rate of growth experienced in the fintech industry. Fintech, being an inherently dynamic and fast-evolving field, often presents challenges which traditional regulatory frameworks cannot quickly catch up with. The RBI empowers FACE as an SRO because it would like to delegate some functions of regulation to a more sensitive industry body-specifically attuned to the needs and developments in the sector.

This relieves the traditional regulatory authorities from having to address every issue that comes up in detail, concentrating their energies on broader systemic issues while FACE regulates more detailed and sector-specific compliance matters. Recognition of FACE is important in building a culture of self-regulation and accountability in this area of fintech. It forms the basis for growth in the industry, providing a structured route for compliance that, in turn, will facilitate consumer confidence and support more positive behaviours. This prudent approach will be fundamental in ensuring fintech innovations are not only secure but also responsible.


As an SRO, FACE will take on the following key roles:

  • Regulation and Oversight: FACE would monitor its members for compliance with RBI guidelines regarding various unfair practices. It ensures the same by routine audits, enforcement of codes of ethics, and corrective measures.
  • Grievance Redressal: FACE has also sought to establish an independent mechanism that would be empowered to deal with consumer grievances and disputes. The clear dispute resolution avenue will, therefore, enhance consumer confidence in the adoption of fintech services.
  • Co-ordination with RBI: FACE will keep the RBI updated continuously about the industry trends, cases of non-compliance, and policy improvement suggestions. In this way, the regulatory mechanism gets coordinated with the evolution of the industry.

These responsibilities place FACE in a key position to contribute to the development of a responsible and transparent fintech ecosystem in India.


  • For Fintech Companies: A membership in an SRO such as FACE surely increases the credibility of an enterprise and instils confidence in consumers and other stakeholders. It would mean commitment to ethical behaviour and consumer protection, leading to better customer retention and business expansion.

Second, the SRO framework eases the regulatory burden, enabling fintech companies to pursue innovation and service delivery with less bureaucratic hindrance.

  • For Consumers: Establishing a SRO means one more line of protection for the consumers using fintech services. Consumers benefit from robust grievance mechanisms, appealing practices, and principles of fairness.


In the modern and rapidly evolving world of financial technology, consumer protections are an essential balance to corporate innovation. The naming of FACE as a self-regulatory organization captures this concept-quasi-self-governance of the industry, with transparency and accountability to standards of ethics. This step allows fintech companies to grow and evolve with the flows of the market, with the added component of regulation by professional industry leaders.

Self-regulatory frameworks like FACE instituted give hope for greater transparency and accountability in the fintech sector in India. This will ensure that the progress comes with an assurance of fostering a collaborative partnership which shall be continued between industry participants and regulatory bodies to keep the Fintech ecosystem innovative, responsible, and consumer need oriented. This is a welcome step for all stakeholders.  Recognition accorded to FACE by the Reserve Bank of India as a Self-Regulatory Organization is, thus, a major step towards striking this balance.

– Team AMLEGALS assisted by Mr. Akshat Sood (Intern)

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