During an arguement in a Court , both the sides speak & read the same documents , refer the same rules, act and provisions.
However, it is the simplest analysis and application of law with lateral thinking which makes a clear way for one party whereas, the other party under the same set of situation, opportunity, arguement and option fails .
The aforesaid can be also understood from the following :

Every written language can be interpreted in two manner .
One who interprets the language in a lucid manner to make it clear as day light results more success than complicating the language so that the literal meaning is lost with confusion.

What matters the most in a legal battle is application of a legal tact at the proper place and proper time .
Further , it is always the legal tact cum strategy which matters the most .

Success in litigation is a result of hard work to effect the simplicity and analysing a situation in a such a manner that everything becomes apparently favourable .
Suggestion – Please also refer
Is Litigation Strategy Really Important ?
For any query and feedback, feel free to connect with info@amlegals.com or call on 8448548549
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