Trademark In IndiaHow To Easily Register A Mark As Trademark in India

March 26, 20160

In India ,safeguarding your business mark as registered Trademark (TM), under Trade Marks Act 1999, is not only cost effective but   easy as well.

We are discussing the easy ways  to file an application & get your mark  registered as Trademark (TM) ,in India , as below :

  1. Online Filing of Trademark Application

The Indian trademark office encourages an online filing of applications for registration of mark as your Trademark (TM). The online filing results an instant generation of application number .

2.Make Your Application Specific & Clear For Goods & Services

Your application should be very specific & clear to indicate under which class of service or goods you are applying for registration of a mark as your Trademark ( TM) .

3.Enclose Evidence of Usage For Fast Registration

To expedite the registration process , one should file additional evidence of usage at the time of application only . Since , when an application is examined , the applicant may be called for of the mark by way of an affidavit. Hence, one may prefer to file such evidences at the time of filing only so that additional cost and further amendment can be avoided

4.Incorporate Wider Specification

A wider specification of goods and services can be a best strategy to check any possibility of opposition and if such opposition arises it can be very well tackled at a later stage with claim of usage of mark with more categorical & specific goods or services

5.Claim date of first use of your trademark in India

Be very specific and firm with your date of use as it is where you can get registration or may loose the right of usage of a mark . The trademark office may require filing of  an affidavit alongwith a copy of the evidence to sustain the date of first usage .

It is pertinent to note that the onus lies on the applicant to get its mark passed over the acid test of objections under absolute and relative grounds .

The above write up is an indicative of  process of TM registration only and for any legal assistance on filing of Trademark (TM) , please connect on

The following may be also of interest to you :

1. What is Trademark In India ?

2. How To Register Trademark In India ?

3.When a Trademark Will Not Be Registered in India ?

4. Misc. Provisions Related to Trademark Registration In India ?

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